Néphos to nowy cykl ilustracji na PROwincji. Co tydzień pojawiać się będą u nas prace portugalskiego artysty – Mots, przedstawiające chmury. Jako tymczasowe kształty, cumulusy kryją w sobie nieskończoną ilość interpretacji przedmiotów, twarzy, zwierząt lub po prostu abstrakcyjnych form. Chmura jako ciągle zmieniający się kształt, jest inspirującym źródłem możliwości naszej wyobraźni.
// 22.11.2017 //
// 14.11.2017 //
Insta: @umots // Facebook: Mots
Mots – street art duo from Portugal and Poland, created by painter and illustrator Diogo Ruas. Jagoda, photographer and project coordinator, has joined in 2017.
Their collaboration fused their individual approaches characterized by Diogo’s experience as a graffiti artist (since 2001) and Jagoda’s engagement in photography and social – art projects.
Mots is an author of dozens of murals, big-scale paintings around Portugal, Poland, Albania, Kosovo, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, and Brazil. The biggest piece done by the artists was created in 2017 in Porto’s downtown, near the iconic Douro river, and it became part of its panoramic view. 500 m square wall merged with the landscape of the city. Their style is characterized by the presence of strong, volumetric, and geometrical shapes, mixing the universal language of mathematics with the subtle deconstruction of our reality.
Mots integrated work into various events such as solo and group exhibitions in galleries and grassroots spaces, educational events, urban interventions, street art festivals, and publications in magazines and books.
Mots é artista urbano, pintor e ilustrador.
Nasceu em 1986 e vive no Porto desde 1993, onde aprendeu e continua a desenvolver grande parte do seu trabalho.
O seu interesse pelas artes surge da vontade de fazer parte do universo criativo dos contos ilustrados, banda desenhada e animação, do qual sempre foi um apaixonado contemplador.
O graffiti começou a fazer parte do seu percurso por volta de 2001, tendo ainda hoje uma forte influencia quer no estilo gráfico, na forma como aborda a relação entre a arte e o espaço, como nas técnicas que utiliza.
As peças que cria, partem de uma desconstrução e abstracção da forma, de onde depois surgem figuras compostas por elementos e pedaços de outros tantos “formatos”, funcionando um pouco como nos sonhos onde a partir das memórias aleatórias se criam novas histórias.