FUNDACJA MANOWCE KULTURY organizuje jedyne i niepowtarzalne warsztaty performatywne, trojnarodowe z organizacjami i Niemiec i Chorwacji. Pierwsze spotkanie odbedzie sie w niemieckiej Brandemburgii, kolejne w Chorwacji a ostatnie w Polsce. Zapraszamy wszystkie osoby zainteresowane interdyscyplinarna dzialalnoscia artystyczna! Wiecej informacji o projekcie znajdzecie ponizej (wersja w jezyku polskim juz wkrotce)
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MIKUB e.V.: performance workshop body // language // archive
Brandenburg, 3rd to 11th May 2017
Every society follows a logical structure that seems to determine the way we are, act and even talk. The workshop body // language // archive looks into performative ways of exploring and intervening into this structure.
The workshop also works on a set of questions concerning discrimination and eliminatory violence in the present and the past. We will focus our attention on the region of Uckermark, where the workshop will take place – significantly symptomatic of structures of social exclusion and discrimination acts in Germany, over the last 90 years. In this area the concentration camp for women in Ravensbrück and also the youth concentration camp Uckermark are located where an unknown number of girls and young women have been killed – the research on this topics has not finished yet, but the number of victims is clearly more than 20.000.
The GDR past plus the frictions of transformation in the early nineties have also clearly left its marks. Rural exodus and the collapse of the municipal economies are some keywords.
We will critically explore contemporary issues such as the manifestations of racism, xenophobia and right-wing radicalism in Germany. We will hereby consider the places as “intangible testimonies” of these (traumatic) traces of the past as well as our individual experiences and backgrounds. Reflecting these personal accesses is for us as important as dealing with the facts of the past.
Practical approach
We are inviting 20 participants from Croatia, Poland and Germany to an 8-day performance workshop in Gerswalde, Uckermark in May 2017. The workshop is structured in three phases: at first the participants will try out and develop theatrical and performative techniques to deal with the above mentioned set of questions. In a second phase we build small teams who will work on a project and thus explore the topics and methods of their choice. In the end, the teams will present their preliminary results consisting in performative actions, environments or even video-art formats, which may include finished or work-in-progress pieces. In this way body // language // archive works as platform to initiate, develop and to try out concrete artistic goals that can persist beyond the duration of the workshop.
The workshop is dedicated to young adults who are interested in artistic work and aims beyond the topic to extend the artistic skills and aesthetic experience. All participants will be actively coached by expert drama tutors, directors and dramatic advisors.
Registration & Logistics
The workshop takes place from 3rd – 11th May 2017 in Gerswalde (Brandenburg). Apart from Croatian, Polish and German, the official workshop language is English. The participation in the workshop as well as accommodation and catering are free, but we will need to charge a registration fee of 20 €. Travel costs can be reimbursed up to 150 € (total sum for both ways).
Please keep in mind that we will need the sign-up sheet filled in by you in order to process your registration, latest by the 15th April 2017.
Website and information:
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